Folk Art (1-50/74)

"Folklore is the easiest compliment and the easiest reproach, never completely explained, deciphered. My possible connection with this phenomenon does not result from a peasant mania and uncritical approach but it is based on a rational observation that attractiveness of folk art springs - inter alia - from unprecedented denial of academic game rules that concern painting or sculpture building. Genuine folk art is always a very fresh, daring, idea-predatory phenomenon. It does not mean that there are no traditional frames repeated for centuries in this art. But apart from them there are very impudent artistic attitudes, ignoring tradition. The variety of materials used in folk art corresponds to the most ancient human experiences - and this is completely normal, natural at the same time. That it is folk art where interdisciplinary experiments of borderline with painting and sculpture were started, however, no artist of this group was shivering then because of paving paths to avant-garde" (Hasior said in "Przekrój" ["Cross Section"] 19.09.1991).

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