Władysław Hasior (1-3/3)

"Great artists like to be treated in a special and unique way, beyond normally binding rules. They like to be raised above mediocrity, this is due to them because of their unusual creativity in a natural manner but - on the other hand - many of them, in particular, the greatest ones - highly appreciate ordinariness - just dream of that in order to experience it, fit into it..." (quotation from the of individual exhibition catalogue in the Częstochowa Art Exhibition Office in 1994).

The set includes "Notatnik" ["Notebook"]: "Władysław Hasior" (1035).

Ł. Gorczyca, B. Pindor, Sweter Hasiora. Wizerunek medialny artysty wobec tradycji awangardowej i propagandy "władzy ludowej" [Hasior's Sweter. The Artist's Media Image Towards Tradition of Avant-Garde and Propaganda of "People's Power "], in: Konferencja tatrzańska [Tatra Conference], ed. J. Dembowska et. al., Zakopane 2015.
H. Kirschner, "Hasior. Opowieść na dwa głosy" ["Hasior. A Story for Two Voices"],, Warszawa 2005.