Gates - Enclosures - Fences (1-23/23)

"The gate is a symbolic object, a dense idea, surrounded with meanings. It is associated with sublimity, finality. [...] The tradition of the present gates and fences is very old. These formerly were battlements, drawbridges [...]. The gate was an important point of the border dividing the word into own and alien one" - Władysław Hasior wrote in "Sztuka Plebejska" ["Plebeian Art"]. He did not mention that the fence - well known from contemporary cities - appears in a Polish village in the 20s as a result of legislation regulating the ownership of land.

The set includes "Notatnik" ["Notebook"]: "Bramy, ogrodzenia, płoty" ["Gates, Enclosures, Fences"] (300).

W. Hasior, "Wizytówki szczęścia" ["Showcases of Happiness"], developed by P. Kwiatkowski, "Nowa Wieś" ["New Village"] 1986, No. 11, pp. 12-13.