Winged Figures And Angels (351-400/448)

An act of flying itself and winged figures occupied the Hasior's imagination actually from the very beginning of his artistic career and they were reflected in his art on numerous occasions, even in such very abstract works as a monument on Snozka (1966) - according to sketches maintained in the archive of the Władysław Hasior Gallery a constructivist and predatory form was derived from a profile of angel. Maybe the author's imagination was impacted by traumatic events from the time of his war youth when he witnessed the execution of his Jewish peer - Andrzej Banach writes about that in his monograph (Kraków 1964).

The set includes "Notatniki" ["Notebooks"]: "Skrzydlate" ["Winged"] (036, 037, 038), "Skrzydlate Sztandary Pom Różne" ["Winged - Banners - Mixed (?) - Various"] (111), "Skrzydła rezerwa" ["Wings - Reserve"] (251), "Postać skrzydła" ["Form of a Wing"] (319), "Fruwanie i Nika" ["Flying and Nika"] (348).

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