The Foksal Gallery was founded in Warsaw in 1966 at the initiative of art critics Wiesław Borowski, Anka Ptaszkowska and Mariusz Tchorek, and artists Henryk Stażewski, Roman Owidzki, Edward Krasiński and Zbigniew Gostomski. Alongside the Špála Gallery in Prague, the Foksal Gallery was one of the few avant-garde galleries in the communist bloc.
The gallery’s program called for a departure from the typical presentation of works previously executed in the studio, in favor of processual works. Installations and happenings were created at the Foksal Gallery by such outstanding artists as Tadeusz Kantor, Daniel Buren, Christian Boltanski, Annette Messager and Anselm Kiefer. The Foksal Gallery Collection, which has been part of the MSN Warsaw collection since 2017, mainly comprises artefacts generated by the artists while working on projects on-site.