Warsaw greenery
The spine of post-war capital rebuilding
This year's Warsaw Under Construction festival touches issues of reconstruction of the capital after 1945. Warsaw’s greenery was an important factor in shaping the city, defining its contemporary look and identity.
One of the basic and underrated elements building the landscape of the city is Warsaw Escarpment, together with a unique in European scale string of green areas, it is a dominate and one of the most important ecological corridor in the landscape of the capital. In addition to the environmental and spatial values, Escarpment is sign of the history of Warsaw's development and also the space that uniting its communities.
Rebuilding the city is a starting point for further discussion on the development of the capital. The quality of greenery is the subject which is still not often enough addressed in a public forum. Contemporary examples of revitalization, especially smaller Polish cities show a lack of interest and investment in green fulfilling its role in the context of both natural and social aspects.
During the panel invited guests will try to develop a theme of historical view of greenery in the context of the development of the city of Warsaw, as well as its modern shape.