Zofia Rydet's “World of Feelings and Imagination” - diaporama
A diaporama of the “World of Feelings and Imagination” series of collages, an audiovisual spectacle of slides projected on a screen with synchronized sound, is a show accompanying the exhibition and conference devoted to the artist's work. It is the first attempt in 30 years to recreate the original diaporama of the series, using archival materials and with the original soundtrack transformed and modernized, played live by the band Ping Pong.
In the beginning of the 1960s Zofia Rydet began working on a series of poetic photo-montages called “A World of Feelings and Imagination”, which included almost 100 surrealist-style photographs with an intense emotional value. It was set in 15 series: Landscapes, Birth, Motherhood, Expectations, Departures, Behind the wall of life, In love, Sentimental ballad, Doom, Mannequins, Phantoms, Danger, Obsessions, Transformations and Hope.
“My ‘World of Feelings and Imagination’ is about the man, in danger since the moment he is born, his obsessions, feelings, loneliness, desires, about his fear from which the only salvation is love, about the tragedy of the passing of time, the fear of destruction and doom” - Zofia Rydet said. A “World of Feelings and Imagination” album was published in 1979, with an introduction by Urszula Czartoryska, the product of the artist's arduous and time-consuming work on her photo-montages. The series was also presented as a slide show (diaporama) with a musical soundtrack.
The artist's vast photographic archive, which belongs to the Zofia Rydet Foundation, includes both the slides and a cassette tape with the original soundtrack for the diaporama, as well as a musical score that indicates the rhythm and order of the slide show.