Creativity Exercises: Spaces of Emancipatory Pedagogies
Discussing alternative practices of art education in the context of critical and emancipatory pedagogy, the exhibition defines creativity as a form of agency that is brought to life when the web of relations and roles surrounding the individual is dislodged.
It is not a quality, nor an ability to be developed, but an interpersonal agency that enables critical, community-based learning. This does not mean the passive intake of information units, but the (inter)active shaping of personalities and interpersonal relations, the empowerment of groups and individuals, so that they can be critical and responsible social actors.
The architecture of the exhibition, designed by Tamás Kaszás, refers to Robert Filliou and Joachim Pfeufer’s “Poipoidrom,” an architectural installation developed in the 1960s that in its space reflected the consecutive steps of the creative process. One of its chambers, the PoiPoi Cabinet, embraced a plethora of cultural references that could be used to feed further processes of creation. The exhibition, being a PoiPoi Cabinet itself, also treats the presented pedagogical activities as a source of inspiration, offering the audience a possibility to experiment with alternative forms of learning during a series of workshops organized by the museum’s educators.
The exhibition is a continuation of a project that was previously presented at the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst in Leipzig (2014) and in Budapest (2015).