
Special events at KINOMUZEUM aim to present the most interesting film practices and phenomena. The program expresses our desire to blur and transgress the boundaries between genres, disciplines, and accepted registers. The program is created with a view to confrontation, as a space for conversation rather than debate, an exchange based on seizing and relinquishing control—a form of contact comprising equal parts rejection (of concepts, canons, dominant narratives or authorities) and adoption (of new approaches). As bell hooks has said, “Changing how we see images is clearly one way to change the world.”

Our film programs are drawn up many months in advance. By agreeing on shared long-term and short-term artistic and institutional goals, the program can implement proposals originating with our audiences. We would be thrilled to learn of your ideas and needs—share them with us in person at the cinema or by e-mail. Feel free to contact us.

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