A work from the Nothingness [according to the inscription] / Destruction series [in accordance with the catalog prepared by the Zofia Rydet Foundation], part of The World of Feelings and Imagination series
Praca z serii Nicość [inskrypcja na odbitce] / Zagłada [wg katalogu Fundacji Zofii Rydet] wchodzących w skład cyklu Świat uczuć i wyobraźni
A work from the Nothingness [according to the inscription] / Destruction series [in accordance with the catalog prepared by the Zofia Rydet Foundation], part of The World of Feelings and Imagination series
A work from the Nothingness [according to the inscription] / Destruction series [in accordance with the catalog prepared by the Zofia Rydet Foundation], part of The World of Feelings and Imagination series