Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz

Sails II, 1965

Artworks in collection

Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz
Jakub Szela/Objects, 1964
painted steel elements (shovel, scythe, carpentry clamp, chain, steel profile)
99 × 63 × 41 cm
Collection of Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz
Sails II, 1965
painted sheet metal, painted steel elements
122 × 83 × 42 cm
Collection of Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Oskar Hansen, Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz, Julian Pałka, Lechosław Rosiński, Edmund Kupiecki, Tadeusz Plasota
The monument to the victims of fascism in Auschwitz-Birkenau project, 1957–1958
plaster, steel, wood, canvas (model); board c [1]: paper, fiberboard, typescript, offset printing, ink, photographic print on barium paper; board d [1a]: paper, ink, tempera, fiberboard; board e [2]: paper, ink, tempera, hardboard, watercolor, pencil; board f [3]: paper, fiberboard, typescript, offset printing, ink, photographic print on barium paper; board g [4]: paper, fiberboard, typescript, offset printing, ink, photographic print on barium paper; board h [4a]: paper, ink, tempera, fiberboard; board i [5]: paper, fiberboard, typescript, offset printing, ink, photographic print on barium paper; board j [6a]: paper, fiberboard, typescript, offset printing, ink, photographic print on barium paper; board k [7]: paper, fiberboard, typescript, offset printing, ink, photographic print on barium paper; board l [8]: paper, fiberboard, typescript, offset printing, ink, photographic print on barium paper; board m [8b]: paper, fiberboard, typescript, offset printing, photographic print on barium paper; board n [9]: paper, photographic print on barium paper, fiberboard; typescript on paper (envelope, documents in an envelope)
model of the monument: 100 × 103 × 15 cm; 12 boards
Jerzy Jarnuszkiewicz