Apnoea (1-2/2)

The film – set in the corridor of a hospital where a victim of a road accident is brought –
is limited to a conversation between four people: a doctor, the victim’s partner, another
patient, and a man who happens to be in the corridor. Their dialogues give the viewer
an insight into the dramatic event, which culminates with the tragic death of the victim.
Besides, the people share more universal views about the nature of life and death. Yet,
the conversation does not proceed according to a traditional scenario. Each person repeats the same lines, which combine with each other in different ways. As the artist explains, ‘Each person says their lines in front of the camera. The footage is copied three times. By editing, I get meaningful dialogues between each of the persons.[14]

[14] Wojciech Bruszewski. Fenomeny percepcji, op. cit., p. 53.

[Ł. Mojsak, A Work of Chance. On Text, Combinatorics and Randomness in the Works of Wojciech Bruszewski in Wojciech Bruszewski. Across Realities, Warsaw 2014]