Criminality of action based on the case of Zbyszek Libera, 1986. (1-1/1)

Another from the cycle of collages, made by Zbigniew Libera in 1986 was presented for the first time at the First Artistic May Meeting “Golden Face”. The work structurally and conceptually refers to “Intimate rites – plate” and “Artist's genius in psychological dimension”. In contains a series of photographs being a documentation of artist's previous works (among others, “For Art” or "Libera – furniture”), as well as family album photos and pictures from a residency in Teofilów.

The work is in a way summing up artist's work so far.

We can distinguish here artist's reference to how the self is created. A frame from „Libera-Furniture“ placed at the right side of the plate shows Libera masturbating. On the left side, as the opposite of the real and embodied Libera we see creations of his personality (from a young boy, a punk to an artist-goal-bird).

As Dominik Kuryłek stresses: „All Libera's personae that he presented with time turned out to be mere imaginations (…) the only real image is the image of the artist, wgo while masturbating, directs himself towards the spectator”. (in: Kuryłek Dominik, „Zbigniew Libera. Krytyczny potencjał masturbacji w kontekście anarchio-indywidualistycznej filozofii Maxa Stirnera“, [in:] Biuro. Organ prasowy BWA Wrocław, nr 4 (1/2012), Wrocław, 2012).