ZYGMUNT RYTKA, BLUFF, 1977 (1-1/1)

Rytka was interested by a universal issue of manipulation. The series „Bluff”(1977) is a confirmation, in which the artist represents himself in an elegant suit, practicing karate. A photograph (made also with the use of photomontage) was to conform with the „false” (the artist’s definition) television image.

These works should be considered in comparison with the works of Zdzisław Sosnowski „Goalkeeper”, which rather refer to an unachievable world of American pop-culture, but sensualize the change of Polish society interests in elite high-art issues to the field of entertainment as well, in this case – to sport. Photos of Rytka refer more to a universal issue of manipulation, used by socialist state and expressed by TV.”

[Krzysztof Jurecki, What does transcendence in art consist of? About creativity of Zygmunt Rytka. [in:] Zygmunt Rytka. Continuity of infinity. Łódź 2000]

[Krzysztof Jurecki, Na czym polega transcendencja w sztuce? O twórczości Zygmunta Rytki [in:] Zygmunt Rytka. Ciągłość niekończoności. Łódź 2000]