Filmoteka Muzeum

The Last Film marks the end of activity of the Azorro Super Group. The conversation scene, similar to many other such scenes in their films, unveils a pathetic quarrel about leadership in the group, authorship of ideas, amount of invested effort, etc. Allowing the viewers “behind the scenes”, members of Azorro break the myth and the image of the group.

References: Abece Azorro, K. Gutfrański, J. Zielińska (eds.), Toruń 2010.


Year: 2010
Duration: 5\'44\"
Language: Polish (english subtitles)
Source: BETA SP

© Oskar Dawicki, Igor Krenz, Wojciech Niedzielko, Łukasz Skąpski

Acquisition date: Nov 27, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit