Filmoteka Muzeum

We Like It a Lot is the first film produced by Oskar Dawicki, Igor Krenz, Wojciech Niedzielko and Łukasz Skąpski – the Azorro Super Group. Here, they repeatedly utter the words stated in the title upon leaving subsequent art galleries in Warsaw. Persistent repetition of the statement earns it a highly ironic dimension. We are dealing here with an appeal for reflection on the often thoughtless ways of consuming art and criteria of evaluation.

References: Abece Azorro, K. Gutfrański, J. Zielińska (eds.), Toruń 2010.

(JL, AK)

Year: 2001
Duration: 7'32''
Language: Polish (english subtitles)
Source: BETA SP

© Oskar Dawicki, Igor Krenz, Wojciech Niedzielko, Łukasz Skąpski

Acquisition date: Oct 27, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit