Zuzanna Janin

Majka z filmu: The Way [Droga], 70’s [Lata 70.], Before or After [Przed albo po], Here & There [Tu & Tam], Fun Fun Fun [Zabawa, zabawa, zabawa], Revolution & Heroine [Rewolucja & Bohaterka], The Journey [Podróż], The Walk [Spacer], The Tempest [Burza]

Majka from the Movie. 70s

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Majka z filmu: The Way [Droga], 70’s [Lata 70.], Before or After [Przed albo po], Here & There [Tu & Tam], Fun Fun Fun [Zabawa, zabawa, zabawa], Revolution & Heroine [Rewolucja & Bohaterka], The Journey [Podróż], The Walk [Spacer], The Tempest [Burza]