07 Come in, from 2001, is based on the popular Polish TV series of the same name originally broadcast during communist rule. The show’s main character, lieutenant Borewicz, is a tough guy and a womanizer. In this work Niesterowicz emphasizes three themes prominent in the series – fast cars (”I don’t have a driving license”), sex (“take me”), and violence towards women (“do her like they do in the cinema”).
The artist deconstructs the “behaviour” (multiple actions reveal the true meaning, or rather, the lack of meaning, irrelevance and superficiality) present in the film and the language, which the “brave” lieutenant uses.
(Description based on: Monika Branicka, Trzy duże plusy dla Krakowa, http://www.obieg.pl/recenzje/3791)
Year: 2001
Duration: 8'12"
Language: Polish (english subtitles)
Source: VHS
© Anna Niesterowicz
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit