Research Symposium | 1st part
Marta Dziewańska: an introduction

The exhibition is accompanied by a symposium planned for Saturday, September 27th, between 11am and 4pm. The symposium will seek to animate the research on Maria Bartuszová’s art in a broader international context of the history of art.

The history (of art) knows lots of examples of narratives that have been omitted, forgotten or pushed out of the mainstream for various reasons. The one-day symposium devoted to the work of Maria Bartuszová, organized as part of the exhibition “Maria Bartuszová. Provisional Forms” is an attempt to bring one of such narratives to light again. At the same time, its aim is to look at the history (with a capital H) from the point of view of its own margin.

On the one hand, the invited guests will be returning to the past and explaining it, while on the other hand, they will be trying to revive the history: to situate it in a broader (often merely potential) perspective and to imagine possible (albeit non-existent) dialogues. By disturbing linearity they will be trying to look for contemporary meanings.

Participants: Briony Fer (UCL, London), Anke Kempkes (Broadway 1602, NY), Martina Pachmanová (Prague), Christine Macel (Centre Pompidou, Paris), Boris Ondreička (Bratislava) and Gabriela Garlatyová (Municipal Gallery, Rimavská Sobota).

See also:

Exhibition and other archival events connected:

DzieńGodzinaNazwa wydarzeniaMiejsce wydarzenia
11:00 Symposium Maria Bartuszová: Research Symposium Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw