Krzysztof Zarębski (1-7/7)

Krzysztof Zarębski - Inter- and multimedia artist, performer, creator of films, aesthetically refined photographs, assemblages, objects and installations, painter, author of scenography. Born in 1939 in Warsaw, he studied painting at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts in 1962-68. He is one of the pioneers and most outstanding representatives of performance art in Poland, which he has been actively involved in since 1971. One of the most characteristic features of his art is a very bold approach to the issues of the body, eroticism and sexuality, with time becoming more and more provocative, combined with staging and aesthetic celebration of sublime perversion and lust, during which he uses fascinating, various types of props - fetishes, created by himself. .

A very important element of his performances from the beginning (except for the first few performances) has been music, which appears in them in various forms: from recordings on various media, through playing the roles of DJs, such as DJ Pkus, Cool Frieze, Cool Swamp (with some Nymphs) or Sweet and Sour, to music created in cooperation with musicians and composers, including: Krzysztof Knittel, Stephen Montague, John King and Władysław Jagiełło In his performances, the artist often performs with models, actresses, dancers or actors. Sometimes in a duet with his wife - Krystyna Jachniewicz or his daughter Kasia. In the years 1974-81 he collaborated with Helmut Kajzar, co-creating with him the experimental "theater of meta-everyday life", introducing theater performances, including: stagings of "Rycerz Andrzej", "+++ (Three Crosses)" and "Villa dei misteri" by Kajzar, performance, installation and environment techniques, and co-creating their scenography. In 1989, he created the set design for "Natural Growth" by Tadeusz Różewicz, directed by Kazimierz Braun, using visual arts techniques (installation, objects, environment). Since 1981, the artist has lived and worked in New York and Warsaw.

Krzysztof Zarębski Archive is available at: