Monuments (1-50/288)

"With a sense of debt to the city that supported me [scholarship of the city of Nowy Sącz to cover education costs at the Lumber Industry School in Zakopane - annotation by ET] I invented sculpting in the ground and made a project of the monument for Executed by Firing Squad in Nowy Sącz. The project was not accepted for three reasons: as anaesthetic, religiose and formalistic. Later, I erected this monument, ironically, at great international sculptural contests in Montevideo. I made it there within 9 days, I could not do this in Nowy Sącz for 6 years since ideological disputes took so long. In Montevideo I gave it the name of Burning Golgotha" - Hasior said for "Przekrój" ["Cross Section"] (19.09.1991).

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