Why do we need the decolonial approach to Russian culture?
Lia Dostlieva

  • Why do we need the decolonial approach to Russian culture?

    desing: Kaja Kusztra

Full-scaled Russian invasion in Ukraine made visible a wide range of issues that used to be perceived as rather unimportant ones. Among them is that while Western colonialism has been analyzed over the last forty years, the understanding of Russian culture as imperialistic and colonial still remains a marginal line of thought.

Why is it so? And why do we need to rethink so-called “Russia’s imperial innocence”? Can culture be used as a vehicle for the implementation of colonial narratives? What role can artists play in debunking or promoting imperial myths? And where do even we start?

During the lecture, we will try to find answers to these questions -- or come up with other, even more complicated ones.


Lia Dostlieva

artist, cultural anthropologist, and essayist. Primary areas of her academic as well as art interest include the issues of trauma, memory, commemorative practices, and agency and visibility of vulnerable groups.

Other archival events from that cycle:

DzieńGodzinaNazwa wydarzeniaMiejsce wydarzenia
18:00 Meeting Do vampires come from Ukraine? On upiory and Ukrainian shamanism MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
19:00 Lecture Imagining „Eastern Europe”. Neocolonial Artistic LensLecture by Mariia Vorotilina MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Workshops Workshop: Cultural Frontline as a Form of Resistance in Ukraine MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Premiere SONIAKH digest MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
17:00 Meeting Oberih – book presentation “Sunflower” Solidary Community Center MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Lecture Exodus From the Post-Soviet ConditionFilm screenings and lecture MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
17:00 Discussion Strategies of speaking about Roma identityScreening and discussion MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
19:00 Meeting FRIEZE x MUSEUM OF MODERN ART IN WARSAW: Forms of ResistanceA conversation on saving Ukrainian art and culture MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
17:00 Book presentation Queer Ukraine: An Anthology of LGBTQI+ Voices During Wartime MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw