During summer of 2010, Katarzyna Przezwańska created more than ten painting interventions in Bródnowski Park, using the „natural” phenomena of this place, paying attention to use of building materials, as well as using found objects with sculptural properties. Abstract paintings of Przezwańska occur in relationship with cracks in pavements, paths made of concrete plates, defects in asphalt and existing park infrastructure: planters, water reservoirs, and benches. Paintings created in open air emphasize the park exotics within the center of the bleak apartment houses. Colors used by the artist are the most frequently inspired by the façades of the surrounding residential buildings, but also „strange” bright pinks or blues occur.
Year: 2010 Medium: painting, industrial paint, more than ten painting “interventions” within the area of a park
Format: variable
Acquisition: gift Ownership form: collection Source: Katarzyna Przezwańska Index: MSN: 4300-29/2011 Acquisition date: Nov 30, 2011
See also