
Mariusz Kruk (born 1952)

Mariusz Kruk entered the art scene in the mid 80’s. His work is known for its poetic form telling a tale about the surrounding world. Paintings, drawings and objects astonish with philosophical references and reflections on human condition. Kruk was a co-creator of an art group from Poznań called Koło Klipsa (Leszek Knaflewski, Wojciech Kujawski, Piotr Kurka, Krzysztof Markowski, Mariusz Młodzianowski, Piotr Postaremczak). Koło Klipsa identified their artistic approach in protest against the tradition of conceptualism. The group members were looking for inspiration in the new expressionism, absurdist iconography and colorful installations.

Artist's works in the Collection