Filmoteka Muzeum

Two women and two men locked in physical contact creating various bodily configurations. All of them are naked. We observe their effort-consuming attempts at generating stable sets, which paradoxically require mutual pushing and struggling. Eventually, they manage to build something that lasts, but the achieved “harmony” requires more from some than from others.

Homus is one of those works by Żebrowska which serve her search for “The One” – characteristic of her practice in the 1990s – understood as somewhat of a compromise, harmony. It becomes clear that the way to achieve it leads through struggle – forcible negotiations of one’s own position. The clash with existence adopts here the form of a clash with the existence of the Other. The bodily sets in Homus may be read as a representation of social configurations based on the dialectics of domination and subordination, where single individuals have to struggle for their place.

References: I. Kowalczyk, Ciało i władza. Polska sztuka krytyczna lat 90., Warsaw 2002; Poszukiwanie jedności. Rozmowa Romana Bromboszcza z Alicją Żebrowską o środkach, przekazie i społecznych rytuałach, 2008, (dostęp 1.01.2012).


Year: 1994
Duration: 4'13''
Language: no language
Source: VHS

© Alicja Żebrowska. Courtesy lokal_30

Acquisition date: Oct 27, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit