Filmoteka Muzeum

Owing to the expressive structure, based on repeated shots, the film visualises in a very dynamic manner the emotions and subconscious desires of the artist. She experiences her micro-environment by focusing obsessively on ordinary objects, whose existence loses its rationality in the course of the arranged situations.

The fascination with things is reduced here to the level of uncontrollable physical attraction, which seems to lay bare the void that material goods promise to fill. Yet the artist also situates the body at the centre of attention. It is not only a tool of expression, a liaison between reality and imagination, but also a self interacting with material reality, both physically – negotiations of boundaries between the body and the external world – as well as ideologically. For Tyszkiewicz also investigates here the domain of gender performativity and the sphere of objects that affect the perception of female sexuality.

References: D. Crowley, The Art of Consumption, in: 1,2,3... Avant-gardes. Film/Art Between Experiment and Archive, eds. Ł. Ronduda, F. Zeyfang, Warsaw 2006; Ł. Ronduda, Polish Art of the 70s Avant-garde, Warsaw 2009.


Year: 1980
Duration: 15’42’’
Language: no language
Source: 16 mm

© Teresa Tyszkiewicz

Acquisition date: Jan 18, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit