Filmoteka Muzeum

The film belongs to those works of the artist where the artist aims at verifying a certain hypothesis stated in the title. In terms of its nature, it can be situated somewhere between such films as, among others, Light Turns off the Light or Fire is Better than Scissors (i.e. lending themselves to rational explanation) and e.g. Disappearance of a Matchbox (where film image manipulation is manifest and obvious).

The artist merges threads present in the above mentioned films, introducing at the same time the additional element of confusion. That only the left side of the screen exists is quite ambiguous a statement as its understanding is based on the differentiation between the two types of existence – physical and medial. Such operations stand for a further development of the medial experiments of the Polish structural cinema.



Year: 1998
Duration: 0'31''
Language: no language
Source: BETA SP

© Igor Krenz

Acquisition date: Oct 14, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit