Filmoteka Muzeum

In the frame of the project “Don’t Try This at Home” Oskar Dawicki invited the team of the Polish edition of extremely explicit MTV broadcast “Jackass” to carry out a performance. They were to spend an hour lying on the ground and listening to depressive-defeatist poems by Emil Cioran, read out by the then director of the CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, surrounded by the works from the collection of international contemporary art.

References: M. Dobkowska, Ł. Ronduda, Don't try this at home, "Dziennik. Warszawa", vol. 165, 17th July 2007.


Year: 2005
Duration: 20'56''
Language: Polish
Place: CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
Source: BETA SP

© Oskar Dawicki, courtesy Raster