Filmoteka Muzeum

The first performance from the series House was held in Lublin. The tenants of devastated houses in Żmigród Street were invited by the members of Akademia Ruchu to jointly prepare decorations for the 1st of May national celebrations of the Labour Day, due three days later. The banners that were hung from the houses carried painted, self-ironic comments, taken from prior conversations with the tenants: “our palaces”, “basement or ground floor”, etc. The decorations were complemented by the tenants’ portraits painted by artists affiliated with Akademia Ruchu, resembling the May-Day “rub-on” transferred images. Other banners conveyed ‘live’ quotes from the tenants: “this has more roots than potatoes” (when peeling potatoes), “where are you going – I’m going in a further direction”, “let’s go to the square – why not”. The banners were taken off one day before the occasion by a team of plain-clothed officers.

References: Akademia Ruchu. Miasto. Pole akcji. City. The Field of Action, ed. by M. Borkowska (Warsaw 2006).


Year: 1978
Duration: 2'10"
Language: no sound
Source: 16 mm

© Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Akademii Ruchu

Acquisition date: Apr 24, 2012
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit