Filmoteka Muzeum

In another of their performances at the 1977 FAMA Festival in Świnoujście, members of Akademia Ruchu lay still on an empty parking lot adjacent to the beach. On the ground, they took dramatic poses: “The immobile and quite expressive poses that they maintained for around half an hour generated associations with remains of some an execution or just a sense of it coming”. The image was juxtaposed with a record of bodies basking in the sun on the nearby beach. The video made as a combination of the two images was projected on blank walls of buildings.

References: Akademia Ruchu. Miasto. Pole akcji. City. The Field of Action, ed. by M. Borkowska (Warsaw 2006).


Year: 1977
Duration: 1'21"
Language: no sound
Source: 16 mm

© Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Akademii Ruchu

Acquisition date: Apr 24, 2012
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit