Michał Dobrucki
Graduated in 2015 from Intermedia Department of Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow, Studio of Performance Art. Now studies Painting and New Media in Academy of Arts in Szczecin. Interested in wild aspects of culture and its drives.
Chosen performances and exhibitions: „Communis – renegocjacje wspólnoty” (Communis – Renegotiation of Community), Labirynt Gallery, Lublin; „Rozmowy z roślinami” (Conversations with Plants), Księgarnia/Wystawa, Cracow; „INTERMÉDE FESTIVAL”, Szpitalna 1, Cracow; „CIEMNA MATERIA ŚWIATA SZTUKI #1” (DARK MATTER OF AN ART WORLD #1), Bomba Club, Cracow; „KINO LAB / Intermedia.mov”, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw.
Theatre cooperation with Michał Borczuch [„Paradiso”, Łaźnia Nowa Theatre, Cracow; „Apokalipsa”, Nowy Teatr in Warsaw; „Dupki”, Komuna/Warszawa in Warsaw; „Wszystko o mojej matce” (All about My Mother), Łaźnia Nowa Theatre, Cracow] and with Jacek Poniedziałek [„Kto się boi Virginii Woolf?” (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?), Polonia Theatre, Warsaw; „Laleczka” (Baby Doll), Studyjny Theatre in Łodź; „Bydło” (Cattle), Studio Theatre, Warsaw].