Shall We Dance? (Like It’s No Body’s Business)
A meeting with Rasha Salti
The Museum of Modern Art presents a meeting with Rasha Salti, an art curator and critic from Liban.
Tunisia: the jury is still out. Egypt: counter-revolution.Yemen, Libya, Syria: armed conflict/civil war/international intervention. Bahrain: severe repression. For the past two years, this is the Arab Spring in the news. Did this so-called spring generate a new form of politics, a new political conscience, a politics of action? A new subjectivity? Looking at a variety of documents, anecdotes, video records and other artistic/symbolic actions, Shall We Dance? (Like It’s No Body’s Business) retraces the reconstitution of a body politic and subjectivity through the body in the framework of these insurgencies.
Rasha Salti is a researcher, writer, curator and film programmer living in Beirut, Lebanon.