Translocal commons and the global crowd
Lecture by Susan Buck-Morss
Susan Buck-Morss visits Warsaw on the occasion of the publication of the Polish translation of her latest book, "Hegel, Haiti and Universal History" (Warsaw 2014) by Krytyka Polityczna.
The lecture and the interview with professor Susan Buck-Morss will be devoted to questions about how we shape our local imagination with reference to the current political challenges and special problems, how we visualise the past and the future and, first of all, what critical tools we can still use to stay alert, see sharply and be able to make correct differentiations and analogies. Susan Buck-Morss is a researcher who scrutinizes the porous boundaries of the systems of meanings and looks for cracks in the seemingly cohesive modern narration on freedom, emancipation and humanity. She reaches beyond the specialized languages of individual disciplines, on which she draws and which she mixes, and intently observes visual culture.