"The House as Open Form. The Hansens’ Summer Residence in Szumin"
Promotion meeting and lecture | Discussion
The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw and the Karakter Publishers organized a meeting promoting the book entitled: “Dom jako Forma Otwarta. Szumin Hansenów / The House as Open Form. The Hansens’ Summer Residence in Szumin”, combined with a lecture by architectural historian Natascha Drabbe, founder of the Iconic Houses Network.
The Hansens’ house in Szumin, the construction of which commenced after 1968, constitutes the fullest architectural realization of the Open Form idea. In 2014, as the first facility in Poland, it was entered into the Iconic Houses Network (IHN), which includes the most important houses of the 20th century. In her lecture, Natascha Drabbe will bring closer the history of the IHN, presenting the most interesting houses organized under the network – not necessarily known to general public in Poland. After the lecture, the latest publication of the Museum and the Karakter Publishers will be presented, devoted to the house in Szumin.