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Other archival events from that cycle:

DzieńGodzinaNazwa wydarzeniaMiejsce wydarzenia
Cycle WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3Back to the city various locations
12:00 Workshops GrochoWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
14:00 In public space Grochów caleidoscopeWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 various locations
17:40 Workshops The Sady Club. A culinary workshop in the Sady area of ŻoliborskichWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3
Sady Żoliborskie 7 m. 7 , Warsaw
15:00 Seminar How to create a zoning scheme? WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Financial Center
ul. Nowy Świat 6/12, Warsaw
16:30 Excursion Mellow Green LightWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
19:00 Debate Department of Ideas. PragaWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3
Wieleńska 23, Warsaw
16:00 Workshops How to execute a plan? WARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
19:00 Lecture Markus Miessen. The Nightmare of ParticipationWARSAW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 3 Palace of Culture and Science
Plac Defilad 1, Warsaw