Solidary Community Center

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    desing: Kaja Kusztra

Society of Friends of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw invites everyone to participate in the events at the "Sunflower" Solidary Commnity Center. The “Sunflower” Solidary Community Center was set up as an emergency support initiative during the first days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Currently it functions as an open, supportive, multilingual and multicultural space.

Together, we learn Ukrainian and Polish languages. We prepare meals and collect medicines and humanitarian aid. We organize workshops for children, educational activities, meetings with artists and activists. We explore Ukrainian culture and art. We share stories, experiences and skills. Sunflower is home to an international think tank that researches current infowar and contemporary geopolitics from the perspective of Eastern Europe. Together, we wait for better times and support each other, seeking for the answer to the questions of the role of art institutions in the time of war.

Contact to the coordinator of "Sunflower": klimat@artmuseum.pl

"Sunflower" is open each weekend, from Friday till Saturday.
For upcoming events please see below.

Archival Events from that cycle:

DzieńGodzinaNazwa wydarzeniaMiejsce wydarzenia
Cycle Cities of UkraineTracing the russian bombs
In cycle ""Sunflower""
19:00 Radio Play Theater of Three Imaginations: „Word u kraЇni”In cycle ""Sunflower"" MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Lecture Meeting #1: IntroductionIn cycle „Cities of Ukraine” MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
19:00 Film screening FreefilmersSolidarity screening
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
17:00 Lecture Cities of Ukraine. Following the shade of russian bombsIn cycle „Cities of Ukraine” MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
11:00 Workshops Common Kitchen | Culinary workshopIn cycle ""Sunflower"" MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
19:00 Radio Play Theater of Three Imaginations: „Word u kraЇni”In cycle ""Sunflower"" MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
12:00 Picnic Easter BreakfastIn cycle ""Sunflower"" MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Event Yulia Kostereva: Open PlaceFriday Afternoon
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
11:00 Workshops Yasia Khomenko. WorkshopIn cycle ""Sunflower"" MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Lecture Alevtina Kakhidze: Honest conversation on RussiaLecture performance
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Lecture Why do we need the decolonial approach to Russian culture?Lia Dostlieva
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Meeting Do vampires come from Ukraine? On upiory and Ukrainian shamanism
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
19:00 Lecture Imagining „Eastern Europe”. Neocolonial Artistic LensLecture by Mariia Vorotilina
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Workshops Workshop: Cultural Frontline as a Form of Resistance in UkraineIn cycle ""Sunflower"" MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Premiere SONIAKH digestIn cycle ""Sunflower"" MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
17:00 Meeting Oberih – book presentation “Sunflower” Solidary Community Center
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Lecture Exodus From the Post-Soviet ConditionFilm screenings and lecture
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
17:00 Discussion Strategies of speaking about Roma identityScreening and discussion
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
19:00 Meeting FRIEZE x MUSEUM OF MODERN ART IN WARSAW: Forms of ResistanceA conversation on saving Ukrainian art and culture
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
17:00 Book presentation Queer Ukraine: An Anthology of LGBTQI+ Voices During WartimeIn cycle ""Sunflower"" MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Lecture Why Is This Happening? Ukrainian war-related artLecture by Svitlana Libet
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Event Ukrainian cultural institutions during the wartime. Dnipro experienceLecture by Iryna Polikarchuk
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
18:00 Film screening Solidarity evening: Palestine Film screening and workshops
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw
19:00 Premiere „Zamotka”Publication launch by Freefilmers & film screening by Vasyl Lyah
In cycle ""Sunflower""
MUSEUM on Pańska Street
Pańska 3 , Warsaw