Hasior maintains a division into artistic disciplines (sculpture, painting - separated stained glass windows, object [in a separate section] and -isms. He builds monuments of artists [there is a "Notatnik" ["Notebook"], entitled "Artyści na cokole" ["Artists on a Pedestal"], in the section "Pomniki" ["Monuments"]]. What did he write about art itself? "It is believed that inborn features are released just through art" "Myśli o sztuce" ["Thoughts on Art"], Nowy Sącz 1987). Writing about art he also thought about himself: "Art is an external proof for the existence of the author's imagination. When I talk on art I always use «it seems to me», «probably» because it is unfair to stake everything «for sure » as this is nonchalance and zero tolerance. Once, the true test of an artist's talent was an ability to repeat certain forms existing in nature. Today, the artist tries to repeat ideas existing in nature. There is no absolute of a form, the content is most important - a perfect form means the form which best «carries the content » and it does not exist only to be beautiful, its beauty must be an unintended value - this is the case in nature" (therein) - his favourite themes - form and nature - go back. He wrote about a work of art the following: a showpiece itself has not to be a masterpiece - it is sufficient that it is a effective plane to exercise out community of imagination" (therein).

The set includes "Notatniki" ["Notebooks"]: "Witraże" ["Stained Glass Windows"] (184, 289), "Malarstwo" ["Painting"] (275, 351), "Malarstwo polskie" ["Polish Painting"] (308), "Malarstwo Francja i" ["Painting - France and"] (282), "Malarstwo, rzeźba" ["Painting, Sculpture"] (155), "Rzeźba w architekturze" ["Sculpture in Architecture"] (046), "Rzeźba" ["Sculpture"] (269, 270, 347), "XIX wiek rzeźba" ["19th Century - Sculpture"] (089), "Modern rzeźba" ["Modern Sculpture"] (106), "Rzeźba modern różna" ["Various Modern Sculpture"] (326), "Rzeźba Współczesna" ["Contemporary Sculpture"] (093), "Polska rzeźba współczesna" ["Polish Contemporary Sculpture"] (315), "Przedmioty" ["Objects"] (074), "Secesja, porcelana, Drezno" ["Secession, Porcelain, Dresden"] (107), "Sztuka Wschodu" ["Oriental Art"] (145), "Sztuka Ludowa" ["Folk Art"] (095), "Pre Afryka Art" ["Pre-Africa Art"] (350), "Antyk" ["Antiquity"] (306), "Sztuka dawna" ["Ancient Art"] (062), "Bizancjum, ikony" ["Byzantium, Icons"] (068), "Moskwa, Zagórsk, cerkwie" ["Moscow, Zagorsk, Orthodox Churches"] (067), "Jarosław Cerkwie" ["Jarosław - Orthodox Churches] (072), 047, "Kreml Moskwa" ["Kremlin - Moscow"] (061), "Izmy" ["Isms"] (075), "Modern art" ["Modern Art"] (303, 323), "Sztuka Współczesna" ["Contemporary Art"] (029), "Sirrealizm" ["Surrealism"] (021), "Sirrealizm i Bosch" ["Surrealism and Bosch"] (332), "Minimal art" ["Minimal Art"] (250), "Pop Sztuka" ["Pop Art"] (324), "Pop art" ["Pop Art"] (338), "Inspiracje Witkacego i" ["Witkacy's Inspirations and"] (018), "Witkacy portret" ["Witkacy - Portrait"] (083), "Witkacy" (356), "Rzeźba J. Beresia i Wigelanda z Oslo" ["Sculpture of J. Bereś and Vigeland of Oslo"] (023), "Picasso" (096), "Śliwka Jan rzeźba" ["Śliwka Jan - Sculpture"] (105), "Zemła" (142), "Amatukeli" (146), "Rauchenberg i Aoshima" ["Rauchenberg and Aoshima"] (237), "Vigeland Norwegia" ["Vigeland - Norway"] (281), "A. Rodin i pomnik" ["A. Rodin and Monument"] (283), "Miles ze Sztokholmu" ["Miles of Stockholm"] (284), "Nikifor" (287), "Camil Vambredan" (304), "Edynburg, Abakanowicz" ["Edinburg, Abakanowicz"] (310), "Burzec" (314), "Calder" (327), "Fogtt" (363), "Fr. Bacon" (365).