Fountains (1-50/198)

The Hasior's studies on a small architecture, represented by fountains in urban spaces, were motivated by his interest in the matter of water itself but also its use in art. In addition to other elements, water interested Hasior as a material enabling him to express strictly artistic contents. Although Hasior never accomplished a fountain he used a flow of water and its level in his monuments. In Kuźnica near Zakopane there is a stream flowing through the monument "Rozstrzelanym Partyzantom" ["To Partisans Executed by Firing Squad"] (1964), in Wrocław as part of "Symposium Wrocław '70", considered as a last convention of avant-garde, he proposed a glass monument erected on the bed of the Odra River and protruding only 50 cm over its surface.

The set includes "Notatniki" ["Notebooks"]: "Fontanny" ["Fountains"] (048, 049, 307).

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Pages: 1 2 3 4