Polish Performance Archive

Description by Filmoteka Muzeum

The performance Pyramid staged at Wrocław-based Galeria Spojrzenia, among others, is based on more or less similar concept to the cycle Dreaming, carried out at the same time. However, the action of falling asleep and dreaming is performed here in a very specific setting, namely inside a model of the pyramid of Khufu. Dreaming in the pyramid becomes somewhat uncanny. The artist experiences recurring dreams of prognostic and retrospective nature. According to the artist, her expressive dream experience comes as a result of the specific impact of the pyramid on the human body. The pyramid functions as a “detector or generator of the energy of the unconscious, embedded in us as a result of the repressed experience of our species”. The performance is well situated within Natalia LL’s research on intuitive cognition and internal human structure revealed in the course of creative process.

References: Natalia LL, Piramida. Sztuka jako doświadczenie wewnętrzne, [in:] Natalia LL – texty, Bielsko-Biała – Wrocław 2004.
