Vitrine pour l’Art Actuel (1-50/110)
The space "Vitrine pour l'Art Actuel" was organized by Anka Ptaszkowska, Brigitte Nigel and Michel Claura in the years 1977-1980 and was situated on Quincampoix street in Paris, by Pompidou Centre. The display case was designed as an alternative to galleries and their strict program and exhibitions since it served as a café, canteen, bookstore and a meeting place for the artistic community. Exhibits and concerts were also hosted there. One of the ideas was to introduce an informative session showcased in the display window about ongoing exhibitions in other galleries. The display case served as an advertising space – the galleries paid a fee and sent informatory materials about exhibitions that were later presented as slides. The display case's specialty was also a bookstore that provided up-to-date magazines, exhibitions’ catalogues and artistic books.