Where is Your Culture, Warsaw?
Discussion held by "Notes.na.6.tygodni" periodic

  • Where is Your Culture, Warsaw?

    figure Rafał Dominik

The issue of making use of vacant facilities remains largely unexplored among Warsaw residents. Non-governmental organizations have been dealing with the topic of giving life to vacant facilities for several years now.

Bęc Zmiana Foundation has created an app “Warsaw’s Vacancies” (vacantwarsaw.wordpress.com), owing to which the map of vacant facilities can be drafted collectively - potentially by each resident of the capital city. The city authorities have also become interested in the problem of bringing deserted facilities back to the city: they have begun to rent municipal utility facilities under preferential conditions and outside the tendering process to non-governmental organizations, social cooperatives and other entities performing public benefit activities.

Other archival events from that cycle:

DzieńGodzinaNazwa wydarzeniaMiejsce wydarzenia
20:00 Film screening MinoTAur Cinema „Entr’acte”, „Ballet Mécanique”, „Emak-Bakia” Workshops at Inżynierska Street
ul. Inżynierska 3, Warsaw
18:00 Performance It takes more than eyes to be enthralled
Performance actions Workshops at Inżynierska Street
ul. Inżynierska 3, Warsaw
20:00 Film screening Shades of RedA film programme Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
18:00 Session Disobedient ObjectsA meeting as a part of the series: Artist as an urban being: occurence, habits and policy Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
21:00 Excursion Nightlife’s Archives. A WalkCity of Artists by night Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw
15:00 Excursion Help, the Artists Are Coming!How is Praga today? Academia Theatre
ul. 11 Listopada 22, Warsaw
11:00 Meeting An Open House – Maria Anto’s AtelierA meeting with Zuzanna Janin Maria Antos's Open House
ul. Karpińskiego 12, Warsaw
12:00 Excursion By Conferral and by YieldA walk through artists' workshops Krzysztof M. Bednarski's workshop
ul. Nowowiejska 28, Warsaw
13:00 Workshops Undercover: Mission ArtWorkshop for families Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Emilia Pavilion
ul. Emilii Plater 51, Warsaw