Curatorial guided tour in English
of the "Monumentomania" exhibition

  • Curatorial guided tour in English

    Róża Duda, Michał Soja, "Labour Monument", 2019

The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw invites you to take part in the guided tours in English of the “Monumentomania” exhibition.

“Monumentomania” begins on a small public square behind your back. There, seven prototypes of monuments have been placed. We invite you to think of “Monumentomania” more as a call to construct new monuments than as a diagnosis of the current state of monument politics.

Why construct more monuments? Aren’t they obsolete? And most of all: in light of all the conflicts erupting over monuments, shouldn’t we discard this medium once and for all? It seems that we can’t just give up on them. Monuments are just as much about the contemporary and about conceivable futures, as they are about the past. Monuments canonize a set of heroes, values, and events, but they also visualize a set of desirable social roles, ways of understanding the public sphere, power and community. In an age dominated by elusive and free-floating images, these traditional, heavy, static elements of the urban landscape still have the capability of generating strong emotions.

The tour will be conducted by the exhibition's curator, Łukasz Zaremba.

See also:

Other events from that cycle: