
David Ter-Oganjan

David Ter-Oganyan is based in Moscow, and is one of the few Russian artists of the younger generation to have achieved international acclaim. He was involved in the Ostalgia exhibition at the New Museum in New York, and has a DAAD Scholarship in Berlin. His work deals with the situation of political oppression in Russia, and the artists’ commitment with public life.

In the late 1990s, when still quite young, David Ter-Oganyan became active as part of the Radek group, which was involved in public protests. Using that experience in the new political situation, which is considerably more oppressive towards artists, he is now very active in Moscow’s independent art scene. His work successfully incorporates a wide range of techniques and formats: oil painting, graphic art, film, video animation, and installations. He combines committed political diagnosis with innovatively fresh visual experiments. The Museum collection contains a selection of his more recent works, which focus on portraying street protests. The paintings and prints are arranged like a collage, which is typical for the artist and suggests a rapid-response, reportage-style capturing of reality.

Artist's works in the Collection