Filmoteka Muzeum

The film We Are Ill within Ourselves, shot on the London Underground in 1997 is one of the artist’s works from the 1990s where she attempts to interact with people encountered in public spaces. Beginning as a record of the action during which the passengers accosted by the artist agree or not to fulfil her simple request to hold a sheet of paper with the eponymous inscription for a short while, the film later on develops into an increasingly disturbing and metaphorical account of a collective journey of people who are unfamiliar to each other and meet randomly, yet sometimes manage to get in touch.

(note by: Kamila Wielebska, courtesy lokal_30 gallery)

Year: 1997
Language: English
Source: BETA SP

© Alicja Żebrowska

Acquisition date: Oct 27, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit