Filmoteka Muzeum

Love Songs – three films in one – depicts what is characteristic to many Sasnal’s artistic endeavours: a symbiosis between music, cinematography and painting. “Sasnal often emphasises that he had been influenced by the aesthetics of musical subcultures and indie music videos rather than by some specific artistic tradition. He finds energy, vitality and intensity in underground music. These values, although visibly present in everyday life, have been rather uncommon in arts for a long time.”

Quoted from: Ł. Ronduda, «Mówisz mi coś, ale co właściwie chcesz przez to powiedzieć, do czego zmierzasz?» czyli rzecz o filmach Wilhelma Sasnala, [in:] Sasnal. Przewodnik Krytyki Politycznej, Warsaw 2008.


Year: 2005
Duration: 10'02"
Language: English
Source: 16 mm

© Wilhelm Sasnal, courtesy Foksal Gallery Foundation

Acquisition date: Oct 27, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit