Filmoteka Muzeum

Sanus Design is a fruit of Aleksandra Kubiak’s collaboration with the Foundation for Active Rehabilitation (FAR) within the project 1000th Anniversary Park. Studies, Sketches, Scenarios for New Public Space. The action responded to the lack of access from one of the hospitals in Zielona Góra to the adjacent park. Even though it was situated in close proximity, the 1000th Anniversary Park was not freely accessible to the patients of the hospital.

Attempting to cover the indicated route on wheelchairs, the invited guests – municipal officials, councillors and journalists from Zielona Góra – could experience the difficulties faced by people with disabilities. What is more, Kubiak created an art installation as part of her project to propose a location of a wheelchair ramp that could connect the two neighbouring spaces.


Year: 2013
Duration: 3'55"
Language: Polish

© Aleksandra Kubiak

Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit