Filmoteka Muzeum

Starting with the notion, present in film theory from the inception of the industry, that the human psyche and film projection work the same way, Królikiewicz arrives at his own and original assumptions. According to him, the process of creating a film (shaping its form) and the process of its reception is a moral and ethical effort, similar to the existential effort.

The primary characteristics of the latter is the attempt to transform the dangerous and chaotic world into a domain of order and cognition. [...] Therefore, the form of Królikiewicz’s films is to be a challenge for the viewer, similar to the challenge posed by reality. The form is baffling, full of surprises and suggestive of disorganisation, and is, in essence, an attempt to recreate that chaos man encounters outside of the theatre.

(excerpt from: Łukasz Ronduda, Excerpts from the History of Polish New Wave, [in:] Polish New Wave. The History of a Phenomenon that Never Existed, eds. Ł. Ronduda, B. Piwowarska, Warsaw 2008)

Year: 1977
Duration: 15'12"
Language: English
Source: 35 mm

© The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź

Acquisition date: Jun 5, 2012
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit