Filmoteka Muzeum

A documentary short film recorded at a sobering station. Without any inhibitions, the film depicts the pitifulness of this humiliating place: the inert bodies of the drunk dragged under the shower and doused with icy-cold water, the raving of intoxicated people that changes into the aggressive monologues at medical orderlies and the heavens above, the sour smell of half-digested alcohol wafting in the air. Gibberish and swearwords mix with a lecture by an instructor saying that only three nations drink so heavily: the Russians, the Finns and the Poles. Nobody knows why.


Year: 1972
Duration: 10'47"
Language: English
Source: 35 mm

© The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź

Acquisition date: Jun 5, 2012
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit