Filmoteka Muzeum

In his film Apnoea, made in 1972, Bruszewski filmed several short scenes showing the protagonists’ utterances. The artist wrote: “I use montage to arrive at a sensible dialogue of each person with each; words and gestures repeat themselves mechanically. Adopting (...) such a procedure, we can perform a series of such laboratory operations on recorded images. Those operations have nothing in common with the traditional ways of preparing informative material, and by simultaneously fulfilling the conditions of transmissions towards their referent they could confirm the real existence of reality we never experience, but whose presence we may only intuit.”

Quoted from: Ł. Ronduda, Polish Art of the 70s. Avant-garde, Warszawa 2009; Wojciech Bruszewski, Bezdech, 1972, [in:] Żywa galeria. Łódzki progresywny ruch artystyczny 1969–1981, Józef Robakowski (ed.), Łódź 2000.

Year: 1972
Duration: 10'01''
Language: Polish
Source: 35 mm

© The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Łódź

Acquisition date: Oct 27, 2010
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit
Purchase source: PWSFTviT