Filmoteka Muzeum

Shekhinah is a simple hand-drawn animation. The drawings that appear in the film are synthetic and often remain still. Here, the image merely provides an illustration to the text – it resembles a situation where a person makes simple drawings to clarify what they’re saying. The film is marked for simplicity – the artist reveals numbered notebook sheets or the Scotch tape with which he fastens the sheets to the copying table. The most prominent element is the text read out by the author in an upset voice.
The plot is based on an account of a dream. It features both overtly humorous digressions and “serious” topics treated in an abstract way. Shekhinah is one of the continuously expanding collection of talking movies (including Dracula, To Love Life, Complete Rubbish).


Year: 2010
Duration: 11'11''
Language: Polish (english subtitles)
Source: HD video

© Piotr Bosacki

Acquisition date: Dec 1, 2011
Acquisition: deposit
Ownership form: deposit